domingo, 21 de octubre de 2007


Oliver Twist

Oliver was born in a workhouse. He struggled to start breathing, then, his mom dies.
Mrs Mann was the “baby farm”` owner.
On Oliver’s 9th birthday Mr Bumble (the beadle) visited the baby farm.
Oliver is taken by Mr Bumble to the board who decided to send him to the workhouse.
There, he “asked for more”, so the master called the beadle who took him to the board again and a reward was offered to anyone who wanted the boy and would use him for work. Mr Soweberry , an undertaker, took him.
When he arrived to Mr Soweberry he ate what the dog left, then he slept bay the coffins.
Noah a big boy bothered Oliver, as well did the made, Charlotte.
Oliver became the undertaker’s assistant.
Noah insulted Oliver’s mom. The boy went red with anger and started hitting Noah. So, they locked him in the cellar. Then, Noah went for Mr Bumble and told him what had happened. That night Oliver escaped and walked to London.
After a hard trip, he arrived to London. There a young boy interested in him and offered some food and a place to sleep at a gentle old man’s.
The Artful Dodger guided Oliver though the dark streets of London. They arrived to a dark hall, and a few stairs which ended in a room that had a tale next to the fire and an old man with an ugly face. Other four or five boys around Dodger’s age where there too. Fagin introduced himself; the same did the young gentleman. After this, Oliver had supper and after a cup on gin and water he felt asleep. When he woke up he saw Fagin taking from a box in the floor a big amount of jewelry. When Fagin noticed Oliver was watching him he frightened and put everything away.
After breakfast they played a particular game, where the children had to takes away a handkerchieves from Fagin without him noticed it.
When the boys went back to work Fagin made Oliver play this game too. Fagin congratulated Oliver for his performance.
One day Oliver was allowed to go to work with Dodger and Charley. At a bookstore a man was reading, when Dodger stole him his handkerchieve and gave it to Charley. The two boys ran away. When Oliver saw the situation started running away. The man turned over and saw Oliver running, so he started shouting Stop thief!, soon everybody was shouting the same thing, even Dodger and Charley. All of a sudden a crowd was running after Oliver.
Oliver was fast cached by the hit of a man’s stick. A police man came and asked the old man to recognize the thief. He did, but he asked the police man, not to hurt the boy.
Oliver was taken to the police station.
At the court Oliver was very ill, and the old man regretted to have accused the boy. The magistrate claimed Oliver was guilty. Unexpectedly the bookshop owner appeared and asked not to lock the boy. After this, it was announced Oliver was innocent.
Out the station the old man saw Oliver lying on the floor, shaking, so he called a coach and took him home.
Oliver was ill for a few days and when he woke up he met Mrs. Bedwin, the housekeeper, who took grate care of him.
While Oliver was missing, Mr Sikes visited Fagin’s place. He said someone would have to look for Oliver. He decided Nancy would be the one. She came back from the police station with the news that Oliver was now in the old man’s house.
As it was too dangerous to stay, Fagin kicked out everybody and gave them the order to not come back till they find Oliver.
Meanwhile, Oliver was getting better. One day, as he was talking to Mr Brownlow, Mr Grimwig (a friend) arrived. That afternoon, Mr Brownlow had to return some books. Mr Grimwig suggested Oliver to go, and he agreed. While he was running though the streets, Nancy caught him, and Bill Sikes appeared. Then they took him back to Fagin’s.
Oliver tried to escape, but the boys wouldn’t let him. So Fagin kicked him with his stick. Nancy tried to defend Oliver. Every belonging Oliver had was taken away from him.
Mr Brownlow was really worried about Oliver, and sticked some notices around London offering a reward for any information about Oliver or his past.
Mr Bumble who was nearby, saw the notices, so he run to Mr Brownlow, who asked him everything about Oliver. Mr Bumble told him awful things about the boy. Mr Brownlow was very disappointed and didn’t want to hear about Oliver ever again.
However, Olvier was still prisoner, after a whole week they let him spend a night in the house whit everybody else.
Fagin, Sikes and Nancy were planning to robber a house with Oliver’s help. The next night, Nancy took Oliver to Sike’s house, where he threatened the boy, not to say anything. Then, he took him in a few days trip. With the help of a man called Toby, Sikes made Oliver enter the house and asked him to let them in. Oliver tried to warm the family. There was a noise in the hall. Sikes shouted him to come back, a loud bang was heard. Oliver was shooted.
While running away, Sikes and Toby left Oliver harmed in a field near the robbery’s house. In the morning, Oliver, woke up and with heavy steps walked till the house’s door. All the people inside the house opened the door all together. The woman asked to take the boy to the bed and take care of him and call the police and Dr Losberne. The house’s owner was an old lady called Mrs Maylie who had a seventeen year old niece called Rose. When the police arrived, they served a lot of beer and convinced them that Oliver was not the same boy of the robbery. Under the care of Rose, Maylie and Dr Losberne, Oliver was soon recovered. He asked to go see Mr Brownlow, but when Dr Losberned took him to London, he found the hose empty and the neighbors told him Mr Brownlow had recently gone to West Indies. Very disappointed, Oliver returned home and the family moved to a cottage in the country.
One evening Rose fall ill, so Mrs Maylie sent Oliver to the nearest town to post two letters: one for Dr Losberne and another to Harry Maylie (Mrs Maylie’s son). The next day, both arrived. Dr Losborne announced Rose wouldn’t die, and Oliver cried for joy. Harry, on the other hand, was madly in love with rose and was excited to propose her despite his mother advice (if anyone found out about Rose’s birth, his career as a politician would be ruined .
A few days later, Oliver had a nightmare where he was back at Fagin’s place and Fagin was talking with another man about him. He woke up with fear and saw Fagin and the other man trough the window. He shouted asking for help and Harry and the Dr Losborne came running. The searched the garden, but there wasn’t anyone. Some time later, everything had come back to normal.
One day, Harry proposed to Rose, and as it was expected, she refused. She could never marry him, she would ruin his career. A few days later, Harry leaved and asked Oliver to write to him with any news.

Mr Bumble was now no longer the beadle and wasmarried and anything but happy. One night after a fight with his wife he went out for a walked and ended out in a pub drinking gin and water. A stranger came up to him and asked for a piece of information. He wanted to know about the nurse who help Oliver’s mother to give birth. Mr Bumble told him that the nurse had died, but the knew a woman who had been with her meanwhile (his wife). They made an appointment for the next evening and introduced each other. The stranger was Monks. The next nigh, Mr and Mrs Bumble arrived the bridge and Monks from a building asked them to come in. Monks asked Mrs Bumble about the nurse. She told him that at the time she died, she told her that she had stolen a baby called Oliver and then died. She also found in the nurse’s hand a receipt from a pawnbroker. She went there and they gave her a locket that said Agnes and inside of it there was a golden wedding ring. She gave it to Monks and he trough it away into the river waters. Then, they said goodbye and promised to say they had never met each other.

The next evening, Bill Sikes woke up in his poor little place. He had gone trough rough times; he was ill, pale and thin. Next to him was his dog, and next to the window was Nancy, also thin and pale. At that moment, Fagin appeared with Artful Dodger and Charley Bates. Sikes asked Fagin for some money, but he said he didn’t have any on him. So Sikes sent Nancy with Fagin and the boys to take some money. At Fagin’s, he asked the boys to gout and told Nancy to take some odd things the boys had collected and he had locked up. Monks appeared, so Nancy took the money and when Monks left, they parted. On the way home, Nancy had to stop and take a break. At Sikes again, he didn’t noticed her anxiety and only asked if she had the money on her and went back to sleep.
The next evening, as Sikes was eating, drinking and getting ready to sleep he noticed Nancy’s anxiety. He asked her what was she thinking about, and she said that any things. Sikes told Nancy to change that face and fall asleep. Then Nancy whispered: “The drug has finally taken effect. I may be too late even now” She putted on her coat, kissed Sikes and she walked to the West End of London. It was ten o clock, she hurried through the narrow streets and arrived at a family hotel near Hyde Park. She made up her mind, entered he hall and asked for Miss Maylie. A man tried to kick her out of the hotel, but she insisted on talking to Miss Maylie and the man took her to a room and left here there.
Rose entered the room and asked her kindly why she wanted to see her. Nancy broke into tears and Rose couldn’t stop being nice to her. Nancy asked her to stop speaking to her kindly until she knew who she was. “I’m the girl who took Oliver back to Fagin’s when he went out from the house in Pentoville” said Nancy. Rose couldn’t believe it. Right before rose could say anything; Nancy was apologizing for being so terrible and having had a terrible life surrounded by thieves, hungry and drunkness. Rose felt sorry for her and Nancy started talking. Do you know a man called Monks? The girl denied. “Well, he knows you. That’s how I found you. I listened a conversation between him and Fagin, and Monks promised him a large sum of money for bringing Oliver back and even bigger if he could make him a thief. And last night he said that the boy’s identity lied at the bottom of the river and the woman who received certain things from his mother would never leave her coffin. He also said that he would continue to find his brother at every turn in life”
“With this information you must go to see some kind gentleman who sill advice you what to do. If you need me I will be every Sunday night from eleven to midnight walking around London Bridge” said Nancy. Then, she left.
The Maylies where in London for tree days and Rose was hesitating between solving Oliver’s mistery and keeping the girl’s secret. All of a sudden, Oliver came into the room extremely excited. He told Rose he had seen Mr Brownlow and had found his address. Rose told him she would take him, and they where soon at Mr Brownlows. Rose made Oliver wait at the carriage and enter the house. Mr Brownlow received her with his old friend Mr Grimwig. He was excited to hearing from Oliver, while Mr Grimwig was kind of perturbed. Nncy told him Oliver was at the door and Mr Brownlow ran downstairs and brought him. Meanwhile, Mr Grimwig ran around the room at least a dozen times, stopped in front of Rose and kissed her. “Shh. Don’t be afraid. I’m old enough to be you grandfather. You’re a sweet girl. I like you. Here they are!” replied. Mr Brownlow returned with Oliver, whom Mr Grimwig received very kindly and Oliver ran into the nurse’s arms. Mr Bronlow took Rose to another room and listened to her about the meeting with Nancy. He promised to consider what should be done. Then Oliver and Rose returned home.

Fagin was at home with the boys, except for the artful Dodger who was arrested, and a boy who was sent to the trial to take news to Fagin. The Artful Dodger had been locked up.

It was eleven o clock and Nancy asked Sikes to go out, but he wouldn’t let her. She insisted, but Sikes ended forcing her to stay sat on a chair. She begged and begged till midnight. Then she became quiet. Fagin suspected she had a new firend so he promised himself to keep her watched.
The following week, at the bridge, Mr Brownlow, Rose, and Nancy met, but following Nancy’s wish, both got out of the public road. However, they were been listened by someone. Mr Brownlow asked her to leave Monks on his hands, and Nancy agreed as far as he wouldn’t put the others on a risky situation. In order to fin him, Nancy described Monks to Mr Brownlow and he jumped when he thought he knew him. After this, both offered Nancy to take her abroad or somewhere safe but all she asked was to be left alone, in case someone had seen her. Then, Mr Brownlow and Rose disappear leaving Rose alone crying by the bridge. Then, the observer ran towards Fagin’s.

Fagin couldn’t believe Nancy had been making business with strangers, and was afraid to be discovered. Suddenly, Sikes knocked the door, and entered with a parcel. He gave it to Fagin, who locked it in the cupboard. Before Bill left, Fagin made the boy repeat everything he had heard. Sikes ran home and lockes himself up with Nancy. He tried to strangle her, as she begged for compassion. He took his pistol and hit her on the face twice. She fell to the floor, raised to her knees and asked for forgiveness, but he took a stick and struck her down.

Bill was afraid, he tried to burn any evidence but everything was bloody. He cleaned up everything and left the house with his dog. Both walked all day long and ended up in a village eating with some villagers. A man selling a product to remove stains tried to remove the bloodstain Sikes had on his hat. Bill stood up and left. As he walked trough the steers he heard a mail coach and guard talking about a murder In London. He started walking out of the village and couldn’t get out of his head all the thoughts of Nancy’s last breath. Nncy’s eyes followed him everywhere. He spent the night in a hut in a field, terrified. In the orning he decided to go back to London, ask Fagin for some money and then get to France. He decided he had to kill his dog in order not to be discovered. He found a pool and a heavy stone and tried to tie his handkerchief to the dog, but it ran away. So he continued his journey

A couple of days later, it was getting dark when a coach stopped at Mr Brownlow’s door and two men appeared carrying a third one between them. This last one was Monks. He got into the house, taken by the two men who left him in a room with Mr. Brownlow.
“If you want me to charge you in public, you know the way out. If not, and you wish to appeal for my forgiveness and that of those whom you have deeply injured, seat in that chair” said Mr Brownlow
He sat anxiously and asked why he was treated this way. Mr Brownlow asked the two men to lock the door on the outside and explained him: “The only reason is because your father was my oldest friend and sat with me beside the deathbed of his only sister the day she would become my wife, Edward Leeford.”
“What do you want from me?” said Monks.
“You have a young brother”
“I don’t”
Mr Brownlow repeated again: “You have a young brother. When the arranged marriage didn’t go so well and you were only eleven, he had another child, result of the guilty love he felt for a nineteen year old girl who was the daughter of a friend from the navy”
“ A long time ago, your father went on a trip to Rome, to go get considerable property a good friend had left for him on his will. On the trip he fall ill, and when your mother heard of this, she followed her. Unfortunately, he died a day after, leaving your mother and you everything he had. But before he went abroad, he came to me, gave me a picture he had painted of the young girl and told me about his wish of leaving the country and never coming back, though he didn’t. After your father’s death I tried to find this girl, but her family had left, and it was by the strong hand of chance your brother appeared on my way and I can’t denied my shock when I noticed his similarities with the painting. I could have saved him from his life of crime, but he was taken away before I knew his history. With your mom dead, you were the only one who could solve the mystery.”
“Do you think a painting is enough to prove your charges against me?” asked Monks.
“No, but there is a will, which your mother destroyed in which said that your young brother should have his entire father’s property if he grew up to be a worthy man. If not, and he became a low character man like you, the property should be equally shared between he and you. When the child was born you accidentally met him and suspected his identity, so you destroyed every poof of it, as you told Fagin. Do you still challenge me?”
Monks was extremely frightened. Mr Brownlow accused him of taking part on Nancy’s murder, but Monks denied. At that moment a man entered the room and said they had found Sikes dog, so he might be nearby, though there were no sings of Fagin.
Mr Brownlow asked Monks not only to sign a statement of the facts and repeat it before witnesses, but also to carry out his father’s will. Monks agreed and the statement was signed. Then he was released.

On an desert island in the middle of the Thames, a group of thieves talking about Fagin who had been arrested, one of them was Toby Crackit. Suddenly, the door knocked. It was Sikes. He sat with them and asked if the news about Fagin were true. One of them said “yes” and the door knocked again. This time was Charley Bates. When he saw Sikes he started yelling at him “Help! Murderer!” and attacked him. When Sickes had him down, Toby pulled him off alarmed. They could hear footsteps crossing the nearest bridge and the whisper of a thousand angry voices. Sikes locked the screaming Charley Bates on a room, asked Toby if the house was locked and strong enough and the he shouted to the crowd: “Do your worst. I’ll cheat you yet” The crowd went mad, some wanted to set the house on fire and some wanted the police to shoot him. Sikes asked for a rope to escape and one of the men pointed to where they were kept. Sikes took the strongest and ran to the roof in the back, but as he saw there was no longer water below, but only mud the crowd realized he was defeated. Sikes, on a last effort to save his life, fixed one end of the rope round the chimney and made a noose which he putted round his neck, but when he was about to place it round his waist he suddenly saw The Eyes, lost his balance and fell. His body was hanging from the rope thirty-five feet down the roof.
On Saturday, at the court, Fagin was declared guilty of murder and was sentenced to die. They asked him if he had anything to say and he only answered “I’m an old man”. He was led to a cell and left alone with his thoughts. He remembered some known men who had died the same way as a result of information given to the authorities by him. Two men came. Putted a candle into a candlestick and gave him some bedclothes. Then he was left alone. The next day, as Fagin was talking alone a guard came in with Mr Brownlow. He asked Fagin where some papers were. And after a bit of a struggle Fagin answered: “in a parcel in a hole a little way up the chimney in the front room at the top”. Then Mr Brownlow left.

Mr Brownlow adopted Oliver as his son and moved with him and old Mrs Bedwin to within a mile of the house of Mrs Maylie and Rose.
Monks with the money shared by Mr Brownlow traveled to the New World where he soon returned to the life of crime. It didn’t take long for him to find himself in prison where he died, as well as every other member of Fagin’s band.
Charley Bates succeeded as a farmer’s boy.
Mr Grimwig and Dr Losbourne became close friends.
Mr and Mrs Bumble lost their position as masters of the workhouse and became poor.
Mr Giles and Brittles, still remain in their old spots and spend time between the households of the Maylies and Mr Brownlow

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